Kavel LAB
Year: 2019-2020 | Location: Helmond, Brainport Smart District | Status: ongoing | Type: urban planning, workshop | Client: Brainport Smart District
Designers: Ivo Hulskamp, Tim Kouthoofd, Piotr Szczesniak
Special thanks to Indre Kalinauskaite, Fe Ramakers


Brainport Smart District is an area with high ambitions for being the smartest district in the world. The latest insights and techniques about participation, health, data, mobility, energy and circularity are used here to create a sustainable environment.

The Pioneers – a group of future residents - embraced the vision of BSD and have translated it into their own vision during design sessions with Bygg and in close consultation with both the urban planners of the municipality and members of the BSD Q-team.

This neighborhood is built with a strong social mindset, together with the possibility to spend time in the nature. This is also supported by the open character of the district, the soft transitions between the plot boundaries and public green.

The water stream serves as a water storage and help to separate the plots in a natural way. Other existing landscape elements, such as the stream Diepenbroek with its ditches and rows of trees are also embraced by the urban layer.

All the infrastructure elements are designed from permeable circular materials, which allow the nature to slowly expand as the traffic intensity gradually decreases. While creating an adaptable surface, they also arrange the space for utilities, lighting and create a coherent image with the landscape.

To be ready for any change to the energy network, all pipes are connected via the recycled concrete slats that are easy to approach and make it possible to build systems without additional excavation work. In addition, there is room for collective solutions such as a neighborhood battery on the free lots.