Curator: Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, Flora van Gaalen, Arianne van der Veen | Neuhaus world and campaign design and concept: Moniker | Visual identity academy: Gaile Pranckunaite and Mislav Zugaj | Scenography consultants: Sanne Leufkens, Sigrid Merx | Production: Landstra & De Vries | Date: 19 May 2019 - 15 September 2019 |  Location: Entrance- Foyer & Zaal 1 Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam NL | Website: https://neuhaus.hetnieuweinstituut.nl
Exhibition designer: Raphaël Coutin

Neuhaus PicturesNeuhaus PicturesNeuhaus PicturesNeuhaus PicturesNeuhaus PicturesNeuhaus Pictures

Starting in the Spring of 2019, exactly 100 years after the foundation of Bauhaus, Het Nieuwe Instituut transforms into Neuhaus, a temporary transdisciplinary academy for more-than-human knowledge. For a period of four months, this ever-evolving learning environment takes over the institution, occupying and transforming its existing building and facilities, adding new ones, and opening them up - to co-create, co-own, share, and perform the Neuhaus programme of more-than-human knowledge.

NEUHAUS is a collective of human and non-human subjects
NEUHAUS is a spatial entity
NEUHAUS is a learning environment
NEUHAUS is an inclusive place
NEUHAUS is an environment that learns
NEUHAUS challenges perception, testing unexpected ways of accessing knowledge
NEUHAUS speaks non-verbal metaphors
NEUHAUS produces other knowledge in the age of reset