In the coming years there will be an enormous acceleration with regard to circular construction. The mission of ‘The New Block’ is to connect initiatives in the field of circular design and construction in a platform and to help move forward, thereby shaping the ‘new normal’ in the area of the built environment.

The New Block thus brings the niche market of circular design and construction to regular players. To fulfill this role, the former SFS bunker on Glaslaan / Kastanjelaan will be transformed (naturally circular) in the coming months into a lively place where knowledge about circular design and construction will be given a place.

With The New Block, we want to be and remain at the forefront of the task that the Transition Agenda for Construction and the Construction Agenda show so clearly, so we must start with a sky-high level of ambition. Only then can we jointly learn from this living lab (educate), cause the ‘next level’ (communicate) and be the ‘difference makers’ (accelerate).

With The New Block we complete the circle, connect professional partners (entrepreneurs, designers, government and the financial sector) and we offer a valuable network, expertise and a breeding ground for resources and capital. We organize experiments, events and workspaces, exhibitions and labs in a community of practice and carry out acceleration programs.

Partners and participants are:
Park Strijp Beheer, Gemeente Eindhoven, Volker Wessels, Stam en de Koning, De Conceptenbouwers,
Meisjes van Eindhoven, Plug-in-City, Bygg Architecture and Design, BuroKade, Woonbedrijf, Inbo, BNA, A. van Liempd Sloopbedrijven, Gebruiktebouwmaterialen.com